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Transform surveillance data into actionable insights at scale
 icetana AI Analytics software 

Count, track, analyse. Make smarter security decisions.

icetana Analytics AI integrates with our Safety and Security software to analyse security camera footage, offering insights into customer behaviour while providing reports that enable teams to make informed decisions in real time.
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Without AI

The challenge

Challenging to quantify crowd size

Manually counting people in a scene is a time-consuming and error-prone task.

Hidden safety risks

Traditional methods can make it challenging to pinpoint issues such as bottlenecks, traffic congestion, crowd management, and various potential safety risks.

Understanding customer behaviour

Sifting through hours of footage to gauge customer behaviour is impractical.
icetana Analytics Software

The Solution

Gain analytics and understanding of movement across your site in seconds. icetana Analytics works alongside your cameras and software to improve three essential aspects of managing your security.

People and vehicle count

Help teams gain valuable insights into the number of people or vehicles that enter, exit, and move about a particular location.

Heatmap insights: activity & dwell time

icetana's heatmaps display customer movements and time spent at each CCTV camera location, improving spatial understanding and behaviour analysis for better space utilisation.

Line & occupancy counting

Track the occupancy of areas and the flow of traffic through a site.

Key Benefits

For 1000's of cameras.
Added to any camera
icetana Analytics is compatible with any camera, allowing users to select which ones to analyse and generate reports.
24/7 analytics
Review your analytics 24/7 on all devices.
Create a better customer experience
Analyse the movements of your customers and staff at your site to enhance their experience.
Use Cases

How icetana Analytics works

Our Analytics offers multiple uses within your facility.
icetana AI analytics - track customer behaviour

Track customer behaviour

Understand the foot traffic patterns at your site to make informed decisions, such as raising rent in high-traffic areas or optimising the layout for better accessibility.
Traffic & car park monitoring - icetana AI Analytics

Traffic & car park monitoring

Monitor traffic flow and identify congestion points, helping security in parking lots, public areas, or restricted roadways.

icetana AI Suite

icetana Safety and Security serves as the foundational product, complemented by a suite of AI-driven products.
icetana security

Safety & Security

24/7 real time AI surveillance
Learn more
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Transform surveillance data into actionable insights at scale
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Forensics Quick Find

Locate individuals of interest across all sites in real time
Learn more
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Licence Plate Recognition

Detects licence plates in real time

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Facial Recognition

Identify individuals Instantly with facial recognition
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Identify the event you're interested in without custom algorithms

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about icetana Facial Recognition
Do I need the icetana Safety and Security product for icetana Analytics? 
Yes, icetana Safety and Security is the foundational product with icetana Analytics as an additional feature.
Will icetana Analytics work on my current VMS system? 
Yes, we integrate with NX Witness, Genetec and Milestone.
What is the pricing of icetana Analytics? 
Please contact our sales team so we can assess your needs and offer you the appropriate pricing. Book a meeting here.
What industries can use icetana Analytics?